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Dr Gary Lawrence, Dublin City University

WPI are my preferred supplier for tissue and cell recording instrumentation. In my experience, WPI representatives have an excellent level of technical expertise and they have always responded in a timely manner with the most helpful, patient and instructive advice to aid the development of the o...
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100cm Liquid Waveguide Capillary Flow Cell

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lwcc-3100 LWCC Typical LWCC setup includes an injection system, a pump, and a spectrophotometer.

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  • 250-uL Internal Sample Volume
  • Improve sensitivity 100 times vs standard quartz type 10-mm cuvettes.
  • Wavelength Range: 230-730nm

Microliter sample volumes — exceptional sensitivity

WPI’s Liquid Waveguide Capillary Cell (LWCC) is a flow cell for absorbance measurements in the ultraviolet, visible and near infra-red ranges. Pathlengths range from 50–500cm, with increasing measuement sensitivity from 50 to 500-fold. The flow cells are fiber coupled and have a very small sample volume ranging from 125mL (50cm pathlength) to 1,250mL (500cm pathlength).

How does it work?

The sample solution is introduced into the LWCC at the liquid input. Light is coupled into the LWCC from a light source via a fiber optic cable. After passing through the LWCC, light is collected with an optical fiber and guided to a detector. The concentration of the sample is determined by measuring its absorbance in the LWCC, similar to a standard UV/VIS spectrometer.


These spectra show the optimal detection limits for LWCCs of varying pathlength.

Advantages of LWCC over standard cuvettes

Ultra-sensitive absorbance measurements can be performed in the UV, VIS, and NIR portion of the light spectrum. Compared with a standard 1cm cuvette, a 1mAU signal is enhanced 100-fold to 100mAU when using an LWCC-3100. LWCC units can be directly connected to a pump, a fluid injection analysis system, or even filled with a syringe.

Detector requirements

Based on fiber optics, the LWCC is designed for use with WPI’s LEDspec (biophotometric detection system), Tidas I, Tidas 100 and Tidas E spectrometer systems. The LWCC can also be interfaced to any CCD, PDA or scanning type optical spectrometer or photodiode detector with fiber optic input capabilities. WPI also offers a range of light sources, such as FO-6000 (VIS/NIR studies) and D4H (UV/VIS) which can be used in conjunction with the LWCC.

Wavelength range

Designed to work in the UV, VIS and NIR, the LWCC's optical performance is strongly dependent on the solvent used in the wavelength of interest. Please note that in aqueous solutions the wavelength performance is limited (see Efficiency Curves).

  Pathlength [cm]
Internal Volume [µL]
Wavelength Range [nm]
measured with Tidas II
LWCC-3050 50 125 230-800
LWCC-3100 100 250 230-730
LWCC-3250 250 625 250-730
LWCC-3500 500 1250 280-730



By Beer’s Law, the absorption of a liquid sample in LWCC bears a linear relationship to the concentration of an analyte. A linear relationship is observed between 0.01–2AU and is limited only by stray light and noise from the spectrometer.

Chemical resistance

Any chemicals that could react with PEEK, Polyimide and fused silica should not be used in LWCC. (If in doubt, please contact WPI for details.)


Applications include liquid chromatography detection, stopped-flow injection, flow-injection analysis, gas-segmented continuous flow analysis and water monitoring (environmental, oceanic, and drinking water). Please contact WPI to discuss your needs.


  LWCC-3050 LWCC-3100 LWCC-3250 LWCC-3500
Optical Pathlength 50cm 100cm 250cm 500cm
Internal Volume 125µL 250µL 625µL 1250µL
Fiber Connection  500µm SMA  500µm SMA  500µm SMA  500µm SMA
Transmission @254nm* >20 >10 >1 -
Transmission @540nm* >35 >30 >30 20
Noise [mAU]** < 0.1 < 0.2   < 1.0
Maximum Pressure 100 PSI 100 PSI 100 PSI 100 PSI
Wetted Material PEEK, Fused Silica, PTFE PEEK, Fused Silica, PTFE PEEK, Fused Silica, PTFE PEEK, Fused Silica, PTFE
Liquid Input Standard 10-32 Coned Port Fitting Standard 10-32 Coned Port Fitting Standard 10-32 Coned Port Fitting Standard 10-32 Coned Port Fitting

* Referenced using coupled 500µm fibers        
** Measured using ASTM E685-93            
*** A one-meter waveguide of 550µm internal diameter requires approximately 1.5PSI for water flow of 1.0mL/min.




When comparing light throughput versus wavelength of three fiber optic cables, the greater the diameter of the cable, the better the LWCC performance up to 500µm which is the input diameter of the SMA connector.




LWCC Injection System

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