Microsurgery Knowledgebase

Vannas – The Popular Micro Spring Scissors for Delicate Work
Scissors are cutting instrument with two blades joined together at a pivot...

Caring for Your Surgical Instrument Investment: Introduction
What's the difference between cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing? Let's take a l...

Caring for Your Surgical Instrument Investment: Sterilization
In this video, you get some practical tips on sterilizing your surgical instruments ...

Caring for Your Surgical Instrument Investment: Manual Cleaning
In this video, you can see how to manually clean surgical instruments. It is loaded ...

Caring For Your Surgical Instrument Investment: Ultrasonic Cleaning
In this video, you can see how to mechanically clean surgical instruments using an u...

Sapphire Blades Are Durable and Precise Surgical Knives
Sapphire Blades are a precise and durable solution for use in microsurgery, dissecti...

Know your Scissors
WPI offers a variety of scissors which are widely used in healthcare units, hospital...