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Dr Andy MacKenzie, University of the West of Scotland

I have had dealings with WPI for several years and have consistently found their customer service to be second-to-none. They have always provided fast and insightful responses to any technical query and such support has been of enormous help to my laboratory.
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Magnetic Stands for Micromanipulators Give You An Extra Hand

Magnetic Stands for Micromanipulators Give You An Extra Hand

Magnetic stands act as an invaluable extra hand around the laboratory to hold an electrode, digital dials or tools. The base houses a strong magnet which can be activated by turning the switch. Position the magnetic stand on a weighted steel base plate or metal desk and rotate the dial counter-clockwise to engage the magnet. We offer multiple styles of magnetic stands, but these videos show a couple options.

Flexible Magnetic Stand  

The M11 Flexible Magnetic Stand is ideal for probe holders and other lightweight objects. The flexible arm bends like a snake and locks into position with a flick of the control lever. Here we show you how easy it is to set it up.

Magnetic Stand with Adjustment Arm

The M9 Magnetic Stand has an adjustment arm. We'll show you how to easily position it and set it in place. The magnetic base can be easily engaged or disengaged so that you can mount the stand firmly to a metal desk or weighted metal base plate.


See All Stands For Manipulators



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