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Dr Gary Lawrence, Dublin City University

WPI are my preferred supplier for tissue and cell recording instrumentation. In my experience, WPI representatives have an excellent level of technical expertise and they have always responded in a timely manner with the most helpful, patient and instructive advice to aid the development of the o...
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Stages & Translators

Stages & Translators

WPI offers a range of stages and translators for manipulators to be easily incorporated into an existing set-up or as part of a task-specific platform. Mounting options include manipulator platforms that bolt directly to the frames of the most popular microscopes, and rock-steady, free-standing platforms that support the manipulators by clamping to the table beside the microscope. These platforms lend themselves to the low-drift recording configuration required when using manipulators for positioning patch-electrodes onto attached cells in culture.

The Sutter MT-70 stand and the Sutter MT-75 gantry-style stand, are perfect free-standing platforms for the MP-225 and MP-285 motorized manipulators. These motorized manipulators are also supported by the MD series microscope specific platforms that bolt directly to the bodies of the most popular Leica, Nikon, Olympus, and Zeiss inverted microscopes. These platforms lend themselves to the low-drift recording configuration required when using Sutter manipulators for positioning patch-electrodes onto attached cells in culture.

A task-specific platform for manipulators is the Sutter MT-1000 translation system. When coupled with MP-285s or MP-225s, the system forms a slice-patch workstation. The MT-1000 moves the optical pathway while keeping the slice chamber and recording electrodes fixed making it ideal for slice recording. The translation system allows the user to move to multiple locations on the tissue at high resolution without disturbing recording electrodes. The MT-1000 workstation encompasses: an X-Y translator designed to move a microscope smoothly and accurately; two MT-75 gantry-type stands for positioning manipulators on one or both sides of the microscope; and a third gantry stand that becomes the fixed support for the chamber. The newly introduced Sutter MT-2000 uses a motorized X-Y translator. In this design, stepper-motor driven lead screws provide smooth movement of the microscope.

Our large, motorized platform stages, the Sutter MP-78 and Sutter MPC-78, are perfect for multi-site experiments where the microscope cannot be translated and a wide field of view is necessary. The Sutter MT-78-FS large fixed-stage platform provides the same generous mounting surface for experiments dependent on X-Y translation.

The 3DMS, 3-Dimensional motorized stage, was designed for experiments that require rapid movement of a chamber or culture dish to multiple locations in a compact space. Two axes provide X-Y translation and the third axis provides built-in focusing with sub-micron accuracy. The Sutter 3DMS offers robotic programmability of complex motion sequences when used with the MP-285 controller.



Large Fixed-Stage Platform

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3 Axis Motorized Stage

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X-Y Translation System for Fixed-Stage Microscopes

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Motorized X-Y Translator for Fixed-Stage Microscopes

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MT-70 & MT-71 Series

MT-70 & MT-71 Series

Micromanipulator Stands

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Gantry Style Micromanipulator Stands

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University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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