Optical Glass and Quartz Cuvettes for ● High Quality Glass Cuvettes ● Standard Quartz Cuvettes ● Now offering an expanded line of standard, self-masking, and flow cuvettes! packaged, glass cuvettes are shipped in manufacturing tolerances. Typical transmission WPI’s glass and synthetic quartz cuvettes packages of 10 cuvettes. These economic curves of glass and synthetic quartz cuvettes are ideal for UV/VIS/NIR absorbance or quartz and glass cuvettes are ideal for are shown in Fig. 1 (cuvettes were empty, fluorescence experiments. precision measurements because of their thickness 1.25 mm x 2, including surface Synthetic quartz can be used in deep UV high quality materials used and their low reflections, measured with a TIDAS II against air applications and is recommended for as reference). fluorescent applications, as it does not exhibit A complete transmission spectrum background fluorescence. Quartz from 190 nm to 4 mm is shown TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS cuvettes (absorbance, fluorescence in Fig. 2 (cuvettes were empty, and flow) are shipped individually Cuvette Material Spectral Range Transmission Difference thickness 1.25 mm x 2, including ( >80% ) Between Different Cuvettes surface reflections). Optical Glass 350 – 2500 nm Less than 1% Synthetic Quartz 200 – 2500 nm Less than 1% 100 Transmission [%] 80 60 40 20 0 200 400 600 Synthetic Quartz Glass SPEC TROS CO PY 800 1000 Wavelength [nm] Fig. 1—Transmission curves of Glass and Synthetic Quartz Cuvettes Style A Style B Style C Fig. 2—Complete transmission curves of Glass and Synthetic Quartz Cuvettes Style D 196 UK: Tel: +44 (0)1462 424700 • wpiuk@wpi-europe.com Style E Style F World Precision Instruments www.wpiinc.com Germany: Tel: +49 (0)30-6188845 • wpide@wpi-europe.com US: Tel: 941-371-1003 • sales@wpiinc.com